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  • Writer's pictureEmahoy TM Gebru

Pitchfork Awards Souvenirs"Best New Reissue"

The popular music publication gave the album a 9.0 out of 10.

Pitchfork review of Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru's Souvenirs

An excerpt from the review by Eric Torres:

Throughout, Emahoy’s songwriting orients toward melancholic, tremulous compositions and lyrics that evoke the natural world as a means of escape. Opener “Clouds Moving on the Sky” yearns for a safe haven, drifting on Emahoy’s melismatic runs that climb, elongate, and shift in tandem with her piano like sunlight passing over grass. “My heart has never stopped missing home,” she sings mournfully, going on to give voice to anyone displaced by war: “Why are we condemned to be tangled in the sins of others?” Her voice arcs around notes, capable of both gliding exuberance and weary contemplation. Over rippling piano arrangements on the stunning “Ready to Leave” and “Is It Sunny or Cloudy in the Land You Live?,” she dreams of travel, but her thoughts never stray far: “I couldn’t see my country’s sky,” she sings in the latter song, her voice rising to an epiphanic high. “Have I really gone so far?”

Read the full review HERE.

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